Make moves.

Hello everyone, I am Destiny Jones a psychic medium, a spiritual coach, and what I pen as a spiritual entrepreneur. As not only do I have psychic abilities but I also have a strong business foundation. I enjoy the teaching element of my role and am constantly learning and evolving.
As a spiritualist and a psychic, you can never and will never end your development. I am also a Reiki healer, a numerologist, a shamanic practitioner, and an Oracle, Tarot, and Lenormand card practitioner and was awarded alternative therapist 2015/2016.
The more I thought about business and developing something unique, I realised that all I needed was part of my daily life already. The essence of who I am is something that people are interested in and are curious to figure out.
I have been professionally psychic for the past 12 years, but have been training for twenty years. You learn to appreciate everything from the grey clouds to the rain. I live my life on the spiritual path.
WINNER: Best Alternative Therapist 2015/2016 by Southern Voice
I am very aware of the love and light I give to those who I read for (my sitters). I acknowledge that those that come to me come seeking guidance and clarity. When speaking of spirit, sitters want the proof that their loved ones are still close by and that existence after death is infinite. Below you will see kind words and appreciation of my gift given. Love Always, Light Never Ends.